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Product Description

Furutech Nano Liquid Gold/Silver Contact Enhancer

1. Audio aspect: An overall improvement in high, medium and low frequency sound. Volume, echo, extension, penetration, resolution and level feeling, Q degree and shape feeling are improve exceptionally.
2. Video aspect: Improved resolution, sharpness, color, brightness, background deepness and the graphical quality.
3. Computer aspect: Improved conductivity, decrease in impedance in each terminal, and prevents CPU over heating and delivers smooth and stable operation. Reduces shut down times. 4. When used with High pulse,large current connections: Prevents over heating, saves energy and reduces shut down times. (Breakdown)
5. All kinds of plug, socket. Press connection aspect: Activate the metal surface, increase the conduction surface and upgrade conductivity.
6. All kinds of sliding, rolling switch..... Dynamic connection aspect: Strengthen the cleanness, protection and lubrication effect of the contact surface and increase the conductivity. Eliminate the oxidization phenomenon and increase the product life.
7. All kinds of motor's brush... current conduction aspect: Strengthen the cleanness, protection and lubrication effect of the contact surface and increase the conductivity. Eliminate the oxidization phenomenon, avoid any spark and wearing of the contact surface and increase the life of brush and horsepower.
8. Measuring, communication and medication equipment: Improve the conductivity, lubrication and protection. Avoid any mal-function.

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